8 minute read

The goal of this simulation is to implement the Forest Fire Model using an objected oriented approach using Mesa Agent.

We will do the following:

  • Create a FireAgent class. The fire agent should have two methods __init__ and step.

    • The __init__ method should have four parameters, self, pos, value, and model. The pos parameter should represent the position of the agent on the grid. The value parameter should represent ‘clear’, ‘tree’, or ‘on fire’ by 0,1, and 2. The step method should input one parameter, self, and it should evolve the fire according to the same rules as in the lecture, e.g., if the current state is on fire, then at the next time step it should go to clear.
  • Create a FireModel class with five methods __init__, step, summarize, show_snapshot, and show_hist.

    • The __init__ method should take in five parameters, self, width, height, fire_density, and tree_density. Width and height are the dimensions of the board. fire_density and tree_density are the approximate fractions of fire squares and tree squares. Your method should for loop over the board and place an agent at each spot (so if your board is $N\times N$ you should have $N^2$ agents). Choose each agents values to be 0, 1, or 2 randomly where the probability of a fire square is fire_density, and the probability of tree is tree density. Your init method should also create an instance variable self.history. This variable should be a list, which at initialization has length one. The single item in self.history (at this step) should be a numpy array consisting of 0’s, 1’s, and 2’s representing the state of the board.
    • The step method should have one parameter, self, and should move the model one step forward in time similar to the segregation model done in class. It should also append a numpy array describing the current state of the board to the list self.history.
    • The summarize method should have two parameters, self and time. It should output a tuple of length three giving the percentage of 0’s, 1’s and 2’s at the specified time. The time parameter should have a default value of ` “all” `. If time is equal to all, summarize should return a list of tuples describing the state of the forest at all time steps so far.
    • The show_snapshot method should have three parameters, self, time, and ax. It should display the state of the forest, in a plot similar to lecture, at the sepcified time and on the specified axis.
    • The show_hist method should take three parameters, self, start, and stop. It should use subplots to display the state of the forest between the specified start and stop times (inclusive). For full credit, you show_hist method should call your show_snapshot method.

Import Libraries

from mesa import Model, Agent
from mesa.time import RandomActivation
from mesa.space import SingleGrid
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

To learn more about Mesa: Agent-Based modeling, read this

Define Helper Functions

def count_val(Model, Value):
    Helper function for Stopping condition (When there is no fire to spread)
    Count number of Agents with a given value in a given model.
    count = 0
    for FireAgent in Model.schedule.agents:
        if FireAgent.value == Value:
            count += 1
    return count
def grid_to_array(Model):
    Helper function for Fire Model
    mesa.space has a grid, which is different from np.array
    we need to convert the grid to np.array to store log history
        Model: Model which grid will be converted to numpy array
    grid = np.array(Model.grid._grid)
    log = np.zeros(grid.shape)

    for i in range(grid.shape[0]):
        for j in range(grid.shape[1]):
            if grid[i,j] is not None: 
                if grid[i,j].value == 1:
                    log[i,j] = 1
                elif grid[i,j].value == 2:
                    log[i,j] = 2
                log[i,j] = 0
    return log # returns np.array

Define Fire Agent Class

class FireAgent(Agent):
    FireAgent of FireModel
    inherits from mesa.Agent
        pos: Grid coordinates
        value: Can be 0:clear 1:Tree 2:Fire
        model: Inherit model 
    def __init__(self,pos,value,model):
        Create a new Agent.
            pos: The Agent's coordinates on the grid
            model: Inherit model 
            value: Can be 0:clear 1:Tree 2:Fire
        self.pos = pos
        self.value = value 
    def step(self): 
        We progress the model (spreading fire) with .step method
        If the tree is on fire(2), spread it to normal(1) trees nearby.
        If the current state is on fire (2), then at the next time step it should go to clear (0).
        if self.value == 2:
            neighbors = self.model.grid.get_neighbors(self.pos, moore=False)
            for neighbor in neighbors:
                if neighbor.value == 1:
                    neighbor.value = 2
            self.value = 0
class FireModel(Model):
    Simple Fire Model
    inherits from mesa.Agent
        schedule: Schedule to call the step() method of each of the agents in specified sequence.
        grid: The space on which the simulation unfolds.
        history: A list, consisting of numpy arrays of 0's, 1's, and 2's which represnt the state of the board of each timestep.
        running: running property of mesa.model, to halt when there is no fire 

    def __init__(self,width,height,fire_density,tree_density):
        Create a new Fire Model.
            height, width: The size of the grid to model
            tree_density: What fraction of grid cells have a tree in them.
            fire_density: What fraction of grid cells have a fire in them.
        # Set up model objects
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self) # Agents will be activated in random order
        self.grid = SingleGrid(width,height,torus=False) 
        self.history = [] # array to keep the log history
        # Initialize FireAgents 
        for cell in self.grid.coord_iter():
            # Random assignment according to probability (density)
            random_agent_val = np.random.choice(3,p=[1-fire_density-tree_density,tree_density,fire_density])
            agent = FireAgent(pos=(x,y),value = random_agent_val ,model=self)
        # Convert Model.grid to np.array
        log = grid_to_array(self)
        # Append to self.history
        # Model running live 
        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Advance the model by one step.
        # Advance each agents by one step according to schedule.
        # Convert the current Model.grid status to np.array
        log = grid_to_array(self)
        # Append to self.history
        # Stop if no more fire
        if count_val(self,2) == 0:
            self.running = False
    def summarize(self,time="all"):   
        Output a tuple of length three giving the percentage of 0's, 1's and 2's at the specified time.
            time: Specified time. Default value of "all", which returns a list of tuples describing the state of the forest at all time steps.
        if time == "all":
            l = []
            for log in FM.history: 
                # Count occurrence of each values 
                unique, counts = np.unique(log, return_counts=True)
                # Convert to Percentage
                arr = counts/sum(counts)*100
                t = tuple(arr.round(2))
            return l 
            # Archieve Time in history
            log = FM.history[time]   
            # Count occurrence of each values 
            unique, counts = np.unique(log, return_counts=True)
            # Convert to Percentage
            arr = counts/sum(counts)*100
            t = tuple(arr.round(2))
            return t 
    def show_snapshot(self,time,ax):
        display the state of the forest at the sepcified time and on the specified axis.
            time: sepcified time
            ax: specified axis
        # Archieve Time in history
        log = self.history[time]

        # Initialize Mesh Grid 
        # Store x and y indices of values
        tree_x =x_indices[log==1]
        tree_y =y_indices[log==1]
        fire_x =x_indices[log==2]
        fire_y =y_indices[log==2]


        # Plot with according markers 

    def show_hist(self,start,stop):
        Use subplots to display the state of the forest between the specified start and stop times
        calls show_snapshot method for plotting
            start: specified start time
            stop: specified stop time
        # number of subplots to plot
        num = stop - start 
        # Generate subplots 
        fig, axarr = plt.subplots(num//5+1,5, figsize=(num*2,num))
        # Plot each subplots
        t = start
        for ax in axarr.flatten(): 
            if t <= stop:
                ax.set(title = f"timestep {t}")
                t += 1
            # Turn off axis for better view 
        # Show the plot 


Initialize Model

FM = FireModel(50,50,.005,.7)

Visualize via show_snapshot

# Using show_snapshot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3,3))


Show the summary statistic of the timestep

# See the percentage of 0:clear 1:Tree 2:Fire
# default showing all timestep
[(29.6, 69.92, 0.48)]

Simulate Step by Step

# Advance the model one step
# Using show_snapshot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3,3))


# Advance the model
# Using show_hist


Run the whole model

# Run the whole model until there is no fire


# Whole history 
end = len(FM.history) -1


# See the percentage of 0:clear 1:Tree 2:Fire at the end
(98.2, 1.8)
# Whole statistics
[(29.6, 69.92, 0.48),
 (31.72, 65.96, 2.32),
 (36.84, 59.64, 3.52),
 (43.68, 52.28, 4.04),
 (50.92, 44.76, 4.32),
 (59.32, 35.76, 4.92),
 (66.96, 28.24, 4.8),
 (75.68, 19.64, 4.68),
 (82.76, 14.12, 3.12),
 (87.92, 9.8, 2.28),
 (91.52, 6.92, 1.56),
 (94.16, 4.56, 1.28),
 (96.2, 2.88, 0.92),
 (97.32, 2.28, 0.4),
 (98.08, 1.84, 0.08),
 (98.2, 1.8)]
# Using show_snapshot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3,3))


Experiment with different values

Higher tree density

It seem like the fire spreads more easily when tree density is higher (0.7 → 0.9)

the model stops advancing with fewer timestep

FM = FireModel(50,50,.005,.9)
print("Summary Statistic for the whole timestep (clear, tree, fire)")


Summary Statistic for the whole timestep (clear, tree, fire)
[(8.28, 91.2, 0.52), (10.16, 86.48, 3.36), (18.64, 73.4, 7.96), (35.32, 53.96, 10.72), (54.8, 34.88, 10.32), (72.6, 19.84, 7.56), (84.6, 11.68, 3.72), (90.28, 7.12, 2.6), (94.44, 3.72, 1.84), (96.92, 2.08, 1.0), (98.72, 0.64, 0.64), (99.64, 0.08, 0.28), (99.96, 0.04)]

Higer Fire density

It seem like the fire also spreads more easily when fire density is higher (0.005 → 0.05)

the model stops advancing with fewer timestep

FM = FireModel(50,50,.05,.7)
print("Summary Statistic for the whole timestep (clear, tree, fire)")


Summary Statistic for the whole timestep (clear, tree, fire)
[(25.92, 69.28, 4.8), (40.84, 43.64, 15.52), (69.08, 18.2, 12.72), (88.28, 5.52, 6.2), (96.44, 1.96, 1.6), (98.6, 0.96, 0.44), (99.12, 0.76, 0.12), (99.24, 0.76)]

When Density is Both Lower

When density is both lower, we can observe quite interesting pattern as below.

Because the density is both low, the forest burns for a longer timestep, slowly spreading

And the single fire almost burned the half of the forest.

Even simulations are giving us a lesson that we should be also watchful of even small fires.

FM = FireModel(30,30,.002,.5)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3,3))
print("Summary Statistic for the whole timestep (clear, tree, fire)")
Summary Statistic for the whole timestep (clear, tree, fire)
[(49.11, 50.44, 0.44), (50.0, 49.44, 0.56), (50.89, 48.44, 0.67), (52.56, 46.56, 0.89), (54.33, 44.67, 1.0), (55.89, 43.33, 0.78), (56.89, 41.89, 1.22), (58.78, 40.0, 1.22), (60.33, 38.67, 1.0), (61.89, 37.0, 1.11), (63.33, 36.0, 0.67), (64.33, 35.33, 0.33), (64.78, 35.0, 0.22), (65.11, 34.78, 0.11), (65.22, 34.67, 0.11), (65.44, 34.22, 0.33), (65.78, 34.0, 0.22), (66.33, 33.33, 0.33), (67.11, 32.44, 0.44), (67.67, 32.0, 0.33), (68.0, 31.67, 0.33), (68.44, 31.33, 0.22), (68.67, 31.22, 0.11), (68.78, 31.11, 0.11), (68.89, 31.11)]


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